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Isis Nimmernis

Oil on Canvas
100 x 100 cm

The picture is supposed to be a free interpretation of Isis Nimmernis, a character from Kai Meyer's book series 'The Pages of the World'.
Since it's been about a decade since I read the books, I don't remember all the details and my memory of the content of the books might be distorted, but for the painting here follows the version as I remember it.

In the world in which the books are set, there is a power called bibliomancy. A magic that is conjured up by reading. With its help, a bibliomancer can read objects and even beings into the world. Isis is one of these characters who is read into the world from another book. In the story, she is the only character who is even transported one level higher into our world and has a conversation with the author. The realisation that she still lives in a written world raises questions about fate and free will. She learns that even created characters have a being of their own and that the author is unable to make a character act outside the realm of that character's abilities and mindset.
Although she is from a book within a book, she is the only one who knows the true nature of the world, being inside just another book.
After meeting the author, she realises that instead of flesh, she has book pages under her skin.
I wanted to emphasise the book pages, so I mirrored her wound in the book behind her with letters falling out. The scene is meant to represent a level between worlds, a meta-world of library.